Performance in collaboration with :Albandre Mbemba Kiapa – @amk___art andIvan Stoyanof – @aangelicasummer Destination is a 15 minutes mute opera. Destination tells two stories that underlie the lives of migrants,…
Versatility / Vielseitigkeit / Polyvalence
Performance in collaboration with :Albandre Mbemba Kiapa – @amk___art andIvan Stoyanof – @aangelicasummer Destination is a 15 minutes mute opera. Destination tells two stories that underlie the lives of migrants,…
« Deua Haswad Khalil, 17 years old.Deua was spotted in the streets of Nainawa with a Muslim boy.The Ezidis and the Muslims do not mix …Deua was executed with breeze blocks,…